Frequently Asked Questions
About Lassie
Lassie is an insurance broker specializing in pet insurance. Lassie offers insurance for dogs and cats.
Lassie was founded in Sweden but is also available in France and Germany. Lassie has offices in Stockholm, Paris and Berlin but the employees scattered across large parts of the world.
Being a digital insurance means that all functionality and all information about the insurance is gathered in an app.
Lassie is a pioneering preventive pet insurance. With Lassie, you get a shortcut to professional knowledge on how to reduce the risk of your dog or cat suffering from a wide range of common, but preventable, diseases and problems.
The idea for Lassie originated from a combination of love for and knowledge of pets, and that foundation still affects every aspect of the company. One of Lassie's founders, Hedda Båverud Olsson, saw thanks to her mother working as a veterinarian that animals taken care of properly in everyday life run a lower risk of needing veterinary care. But she also saw how important it is to have access to a veterinarian when it is needed.
To create Lassie, Hedda built a strong team together with co-founders Sophie Wilkinson and Johan Jönsson. Sophie contributed with her solid pet insurance background and Johan with his tech expertise.
Read more about Lassie.The insurer for our insurances is Dina Försäkring AB. Dina Försäkring AB is a well-established insurance company from Sweden and is under the supervision of the Financial Supervisory Authority.
Read more about Lassie AB in our pre-purchase information.
Lassie's handling of personal data follows the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Read our privacy policy to find out all about how we use your personal data. We clearly explain what personal data we handle, how we use it, who may demand to see it, how long it is saved, and how we work to protect it.
If you want to know how we work with cookies, you can read our cookie policy. We explain what a cookie is and how we use different types of cookies.
If you have questions about our handling of personal data or our cookie policy, you are welcome to contact our data protection officer. Either via email at or by sending a letter marked "Dataskyddsombud" to us at Döbelnsgatan 21, 111 40 Stockholm.
If Lassie went bankrupt, your insurance would still continue with the insurer, Dina Försäkring AB, according to the agreement you made when you bought your insurance.
Dog insurance and cat insurance
The deductible is the part of the vet cost that you have to pay yourself in the event of an injury. We reimburse the rest.
Fixed deductible is only paid at the first vet visit each deductible period. Lassie's deductible period is 365 days and coincides with the insurance period.
Variable deductible is paid for each injury. It is a pre determined percentage of the veterinary cost (after any fixed deductible has been paid).
You choose the level for your fixed and variable deductible when you purchase your pet insurance and you can see it in your insurance letter. The size of the deductible affects the price of the insurance. A higher deductible results in a lower insurance price. You can test how your price is affected by the size of the deductible when you calculate a price proposal.
Example of deductible calculation: Your veterinary visit costs 12,000 kr. You have a fixed deductible of 1,500 kr and a variable deductible of 15 %.
You pay: 1,500 kr (fixed deductible) + 1,575 kr (variable deductible: 0.15 * (12,000 kr - 1,500 kr)) = 3,075 kr
Lassie pays: 12,000 kr - 3,075 kr = 8,925 kr
The deductible is reset at the end of your insurance policy period.
A Deductible Period is what we call the time during which you only will have to pay the fixed deductible at the first insurance claim . This period is 365 days and start at the beginning of the insurance year. This means that the deductible period coincides with the insurance policy period. When you enter a new deductible period you will have to pay the fixed deductible again when you file a new claim.
(The variable deductible is paid with each claim.)
Read more about deductibles and the Deductible Period in our insurance terms.
All that is included in an insurance policy is not necessarily covered from day one. For certain things to apply, a waiting period must be passed. In the case of pet insurance, the waiting period is largely a protection against claims for damages that already existed before the insurance was taken out.
Accidents happen suddenly and there is no risk of them having started before the insurance was purchased, hence they are covered from the start, without a waiting period.
Lassie's waiting period for illness is generally 14 days (this is a short waiting period compared to most other Swedish pet insurances), but for certain conditions, longer waiting periods apply. Read more about them in the insurance terms.
In a few cases, the insurance applies directly, without a waiting period:
When a puppy or kitten is insured before the age of 120 days and has an approved veterinary certificate.
When you switch to Lassie from a comparable Swedish pet insurance. If the previous insurance was less comprehensive, the waiting period only applies to the increased coverage.
The Veterinary Care Amount is the total sum that the insurance can reimburse you with per insurance year. N.B that there are lower maximum limits for compensation for some types of injuries.
We have insurance packages with three different veterinary care amounts. A low veterinary care amount gives a lower insurance price but the risk that veterinary costs will exceed the maximum amount is greater. With our highest veterinary care amount, really large veterinary bills are covered which gives greater sense of security, but also a larger price tag. Our middle option is the most popular, perhaps because it offers a balance between price and security that suits many.
Lassie's veterinary care amounts:
Small: 30,000 kr.
Medium: 60,000 kr.
Big: 160,000 kr.
No. If your pet usually earns you money and that income decreases the pet insurance won't compensate that loss.
The insurance is valid in the Nordic countries. It also applies to temporary stays of a maximum of one year throughout the world, in countries where the animal may be brought back and forth without being quarantined according to the Swedish Board of Agriculture's regulations. For longer stays abroad (more than three months), Lassie must be informed in advance and agree to this. See further information in our terms and conditions.
The breeder's insurance has a limited reach that you can read more about in the insurance terms.
Hidden defects are diseases or defects that have started to develop before a veterinary examination but are not detected.
Lassie's dog and cat insurance covers hidden defects if the puppy or kitten is born in Sweden and has been insured continuously since before 120 days of age and there was a Swedish veterinary certificate that was a maximum of 10 days old when the insurance started.
For information about the hidden defect insurance included in the breeder's insurance - see our terms.
In the context of pet insurance, an accident is a sudden external event that has a negative physical impact on a pet. For example, it could be that a cat or dog hurts itself in connection with a fall, a cut or a collision, but it could also be an acute poisoning or swallowing a foreign object. Diseases are not accidents.
For more information, you are welcome to take a look at our insurance terms and conditions.
The insurance price usually increases with the pet's age. This is because the risk of the dog or cat needing veterinary care increases. The price can also sometimes be raised due to the cost of veterinary care increases or other cost increases. We avoid price increases as far as we can because we want to offer the best value for your money but when we need to make a price increase, we promise to announce it in advance.
It can often feel especially important to insure an older pet, precisely because they often need more care. We have no upper age limit for our veterinary care insurance, so Lassie may be a suitable choice when you want to insure a senior dog or cat!
You must sign up for insurance for one animal at a time but then you can gather all the insurances in the app.
In the app, you can add multiple animals and switch between them. To link their insurances to the app, you may need to use BankID.
If you have two or more animals insured with Lasse, we automatically give you a 15 % multi pet discount.
When you take courses and earn points in the app, they are earmarked as dog points or cat points. You cannot get a discount on dog insurance with cat points and vice versa.
Veterinary care insurance (that is, regular dog insurance or cat insurance) can be bought from when the puppy or kitten is six weeks old. (Note that you get the best coverage if you have an approved veterinary certificate when you insure a little one who is under 120 days old.) There is no upper age limit, so you can buy Lassie's dog insurance and cat insurance even for old dogs and cats.
For the life insurance, however, there are upper age limits.
The breeder's insurance protects the very youngest puppies and kittens.
If you are importing a cat or a dog or if you have a cat or a dog that is imported, you buy your insurance through our regular signup.
Good to know about getting an insurance for an imported cat or dog:
The pet must be in Sweden when the insurance takes effect.
Injuries, illnesses or other problems that the pet brought with it to Sweden are not covered.
You won't have to show us any certificates, but we assume you follow the law for import of pets. Visiting the Swedish Board of Agriculture will let you know what is expected.
Monthly Payment: When the insurance starts, a first payment is made. Then we deduct money on the 28th of each month. Depending on the payment method you use, it may take up to three days before the money leaves your account. If the insurance is renewed for the next insurance period (it automatically is), the first payment of the new period is deducted when it starts and the following withdrawals occur on the 28th as usual.
Annual Payment: Your payment for the entire insurance period is made in conjunction with the start of the insurance period. The insurance is automatically renewed (but of course, you get the chance to opt out) and a new payment is made in connection with the start of the new insurance period.
Additional Insurances: The life insurance payment is made in the same way as for the regular pet insurance. The breeder's insurance is always paid for one year at a time and always in advance. You can take out the breeder's insurance in the middle of the pet insurance period, but they will have different start and end dates. The breeder's insurance is also automatically renewed.
Information about your payments and payment methods can be found in the payment portal.
You do not need to keep insuring your puppy or kitten with the same company as the breeder. You can choose Lassie even if your breeder has a different insurance!
It is always a good idea to plan for the new family member's insurance before the delivery day. You are responsible for them and their insurance from the day you purchase them and take them home. Remember that a veterinary examination of the dog or cat preferably should have taken place within 10 days before that date. This is because if you insure a puppy or kitten that is under 120 days old and has an approved Swedish veterinary certificate that is at most 10 days old, the insurance applies directly, without a waiting period. You can insure your new puppy or kitten with us from six weeks old.
Take the opportunity to learn more about puppies or kittens by reading our articles before you pick up your four-legged new best friend. If you have the app, you can start collecting knowledge points there today and then use them to get a discount on your insurance!
Filing an insurance claim
Please read our page about what to do if your dog or cat gets sick or injured to find out more about our claims handling process.
The most common procedure is that you first pay the veterinarian and then report the injury to us and receive compensation for the expenses that are covered by your insurance (and does not consist of your deductible). The other option is to use direct claims settlement. In that case, we handle the payment directly with the vet and you only pay your deductible and any administrative fees.
To make a regular claim after a veterinary visit, you can either use the app or send us an email.
In the app you get help with each step and can more easily follow your case. You will find Report Injury under the Insurance tab. Via the speech bubble in the upper right corner of the insurance tab or the home tab, you can ask questions about the claim.
If you email your claim to, make sure to include insurance number, invoice, medical records, all receipts, any prescriptions from the pharmacy, and the account number you want us to send your compensation to. You can also ask questions about claims using that email address.
Making a claim via the app
Take a picture of each receipt and upload them one by one in the app. When you've submitted the pictures of your receipts along with other information about your vet visit, we'll look at them as quickly as possible and assess whether the costs are covered by your insurance.
Making a claim via email
Take pictures of all your receipts and attach them to your email. On our claims handling information page, you'll find a list of the information we need to be able to make a payment and the email address to our claims handling.
Direct claims settlement is when the payment to the veterinarian is made directly by Lassie instead of you first paying the veterinarian and then applying for reimbursement. With direct settlement, you only need to pay your deductible (and sometimes administrative fees that the veterinarian charges for their help with settling the bill) to the veterinarian.
We offer direct claims settlement weekdays between 08-17.
You can get help with direct claims at most veterinarians. Tell them that you want to use it and have your insurance number at hand. Our contact details for direct claims settlement can be found on the claims handling page.
There is no limit to the number of claims you can make per year/insurance period.
The limit is instead your veterinary care amount. That amount is the maximum compensation we can pay out during an insurance period. For Mini it is 30,000 kr, for Mellan it is 60,000 kr and for Stor it is 160,000 kr. (Some specific parts of the insurance have lower maximum compensations.)
Do you suspect that your pet was a victim of medical malpractice? You can make a complaint to the Animal Health Care Liability Board at the Swedish Board of Agriculture. The complaint will be made against the health care worker that you think mistreated your pet.
There is a form you can fill out on their site, but it is in Swedish. Contact the bord and ask for help if you don't feel comfortable doing it in Swedish.
Ansvarsnämnden för djurens hälso- och sjukvård
Box 322
551 15 Jönköping
Tel. 036- 15 58 53
Fax. 036-19 05 46
The insurance packages Medium and Big cover:
Veterinary care costs that arise as a result of complications with the pregnancy.
After a waiting period of 60 days; complications at delivery and a first C-section.
...but not Small. If you want a C-section to be covered but otherwise feel content with the Mini package, our breeder insurance may be the solution. It is an add on that provides coverage for an extra C-section (and many other unexpected costs that can arise in connection with breeding).
None of the packages cover:
costs associated with normal pregnancy
costs to terminate a pregnancy due to unwanted mating.
Previous conditions is a term usually used in relation to pet insurance. It is something the animal has been examined, treated, medicated for, or shown symptoms of, usually within 24 months before the start date of the insurance. Previous conditions are not covered by the insurance.
A related term that is good to know is pre-existing illness/injury. This is an illness or injury that exists when the insurance comes into effect, regardless of when the injury or disease was detected or first occurred. A pre-existing illness/injury is also not covered by the insurance.
Since a chronic (long-term) condition may have started more than 24 months before the start date of the insurance and been latent (dormant) for the last 24 months before the insurance started, there may be injuries or diseases that are not covered even though the animal has been symptom-free for a long period of time. If your animal is again affected by a condition it had more than 24 months before the start date of the insurance, we or the vet will assess whether it is a new condition or a pre-existing illness/injury.
Do not confuse the concepts of previous conditions, pre-existing illness/injury and hidden defects. A hidden defect is something that started to develop before a veterinary check but was not detected.
More information is available in our terms and conditions. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
An online vet is a vet that you can have video calls with. It's often a good first step to contact a digital vet when you're worried about your pet's health but it’s not an emergency. It saves your cat or dog a usually stressful visit to the vet and often saves you both time and money. Sometimes a digital vet visit is all that's needed, and sometimes the vet can recommend a next step.
Calls to a digital vet are included in all Lassie's insurances. You can call about everything included in your insurance, as many times as needed. It doesn't affect how much you have left of the year's veterinary care amount.
You can call from 06:00 to 02:00 every day. You can see in the app which digital vet you can contact. There is also a link to the download page for the vet's app, if you don't already have it on your phone. Here is a more detailed description of how to call a digital vet.
Examples of what you can call a digital vet about:
Vomiting and diarrhea
Skin problems and itching
Cold (cough and runny nose)
Here we list some of the injuries and diseases that we see many cats and dogs seek help for.
Common injuries and diseases in dogs
Vomiting and diarrhea. About every tenth dog seeks care for vomiting or diarrhea.
Skin problems. Approximately 15 % of dogs seek help for skin problems.
Ear infections, claw injuries, swallowed objects and poisonings account for a few percent each of veterinarian visits.
Limping is very common and can have several underlying causes.
Uterine inflammation can be very serious and is behind about 1% of dogs' veterinary visits.
Read how we compiled the figures in our article about veterinary prices for dogs and read our articles to learn more about common injuries and diseases and how they can be prevented.
Common injuries and diseases in cats
Wound injuries (incl. bite wounds) are the cause of about 8% of veterinary visits for cats. Other problems related to the cat's skin are also very common.
Vomiting and diarrhea are common, especially vomiting.
Snake bites are a common cause of poisoning in cats.
Swallowed objects are common for cats as well.
Ear infection is less common in cats than in dogs, but not unusual.
Fractures are a little more common in cats than in dogs.
Problems in the urinary bladder or urethra affect many cats.
Learn more about these common ailments that often affect cats by reading our cat articles. There is also an article that tells what some of the injuries and diseases can cost to treat.
Yes, if an at- home visit is necessary, you can be reimbursed for the cost. It is the vet who decides if a home visit is necessary; e.g. if there is a life-threatening illness or injury that cannot be treated at a clinic. Transport costs for the pet can also be reimbursed.
An exception/reservation/limitation is something that is not included in your insurance.
All exceptions are stated in the terms and conditions. An example of a limitation that applies to everyone is umbilical hernia. Another exception is previous problems. This exception applies to everyone but can have different effects depending on the animal's medical history. Individual exceptions can also be added over time. For example, if your cat starts showing signs of from TR(FORL) during the waiting period.
Sometimes individual exceptions are specified in the insurance policy, but they do not need to be listed there to apply. If you know your cat or dog's medical history, you can figure out what individual exceptions there are. If you want to know more about an exception, you are welcome to contact our customer service!
Many pet insurances have exceptions that apply to an entire breed. Lassie does not have such breed-specific exceptions!
The app
Yes! Everyone is welcome to take our courses for free.
If you're an insurance customer, you can also convert the points you earn from completing our quizzes into discounts on your pet insurance policy. Download our app and start learning more about caring for pets!
You can find our app in the App store or download it from Google play. Follow the link below or search for the Lassie app. Let us know if you have a problem and welcome to Lassie!
Here you can download our app!Write us at and tell us that you want to delete your account and we will do it for you.
Absolutely, it is the easiest and fastest way to get in touch with us! Look for a speech bubble in the top right corner of the screen.
Go to the Insurance tab to file a claim and find an overview of previous claims. You will be guided through each step and can follow the progression of your case.
You can submit photos of the documents taken with the camera on your phone. If you have several receipts, just photograph them one by one and send them all in.
Questions about your claim can be posed in the chat in our app or to
You can find all the info you need to contact our digital vet in the app. Go to the Insurance tab and we will let you know what to do.
Adding a pet to the app: Select the Profile tab. Select Add Pet and choose whether you want to add a dog or a cat. Now you can choose if you want to add the name of your pet, a picture and a birthday. You must choose a breed for your animal in order to save. To access insurance information for a new pet, you might have to add the insurance using BankID in the Insurance tab.
Switching between pets: Go to Profile and select a pet.
If you want to access the account from multiple devices you need to share the same user identity. (It's currently not possible to have multiple human users per profile.)
Oh no, let's find a solution!
Try closing the app and restarting it.
Make sure to sign in with your usual choice of method (e.g. the same email address) and make sure you have an internet connection.
If none of the above works; we suggest that you contact us by email at or via the chat on our website. We are happy to help you find out what's wrong!
Yes, and it's easy! Go to the Insurance tab and select "Get your quote". We will guide you through the process and explain your options. You will also instantly see how your customisations will affect your price.
Nothing really. The app is our primary platform and our goal is to gather everything about your insurance there, so it is always near you and easy to find on your phone.
No, to do the quizzes, see videos and collect points you need to use our app. One option if you prefer a bigger screen is to download our app to a tablet.
You can however read some of the articles in your web browser. You can find them through the top navigation bar, under Articles.
There are two options:
Add it when you first add your pet.
If your pet already has a profile, you can go to the Profile tab and select Change in the section called My pets. This also where you can change a selected birth date.
You can find courses, articles and videos using the search function under Progress in the app. Type the topic you want to explore in the grey box with the magnifier glass in the top of the Progress tab.
When notifications are enabled, we can let you know when we release new exciting things in the app and remind you about vaccinations and other important things regarding your pet's health.
You can allow notifications by dragging the toggle to the right. When notifications are allowed, the toggle symbol will be green.
With Favourites you can bookmark and collect articles or other course contents. You can save an article by activating the bookmark symbol above the headline.
Points system
Your points can be seen, used and collected in our app.
You primarily collect points by doing quizzes in the app - so you can collect points while learning something new! You can see how many points each course will give you. You can also get points for other things, like making a purchase in the shop. To collect points via a purchase in the shop, you need to follow the item's link from the app.
Insurance Discount: In order for you to be able to use your collected points, you need to have insurance with us. If you have collected enough points to get a discount on insurance, you can see and activate it under Rewards in the app. The discount applies for one insurance year. If you pay your insurance annually, a refund of the discount amount will be made, and if you pay per month, upcoming invoices will be reduced until the discount is given.
Read more about the points system on our app page.Points from cat or dog courses: If a cat is selected under the Profile tab, you get points that are earmarked for a discount on a cat insurance, and if a dog is selected when you do a quiz and collect points, they are earmarked as dog points. So if you have both dogs and cats, you collect separate knowledge points for them.
Discount for multiple dogs: If you have multiple dogs and exchange your points for an insurance discount, all the dogs get a discount!
Discount for multiple cats: If you have multiple cats and exchange your points for an insurance discount, all the cats get a discount!
On the app's Home tab, we showcase some of our favorite products from the Lassie store (Lassie-butiken). When you shop these recommended items, you can earn points that you can collect and use to get a discount on your insurance.
Click on an item with a point symbol in the app and the Lassie store opens with your selected item added to the cart. When you open the store via the app, we can link the points to your user, so the purchase must be made on the same device. If you want to shop more recommended items, you can click on the cross in the corner to close the store view and select the next item in the app. Your points are registered when the purchase is completed.
Sometimes we link to items without using the point symbol and they are not directly added to the shopping cart when you follow the link and they do not give points.