Hundreds of thousands
insured pawsFörsÀkringen för valpar och kattungar

Why 100,000 animals choose Lassie
Utbildande12 veckors förebyggande kurs för din valp och kattunge
Award-winningSweden's most satisfied animal insurance customers 2024
SmoothService all days 8-21 and fast refunds
Vet supportUnlimited vet video calls
InclusiveNo age or breed restrictions
Suitable for multiple pets15% discount for each additional pet

VĂ„r app
12-veckorsprogram för dig och din valp eller kattunge
Börja ditt nya liv pÄ rÀtt sÀtt!Dra nytta av exklusiv tillgÄng till vÄra kurser och fÄ expertrÄd för att ta hand om din valp eller kattunge och stÀrka ert band. VÄra kurser har tagits fram i samarbete med veterinÀrer och experter inom djurvÄrd.

Vi belönar din kunskap!
Vi hjĂ€lper dig att lĂ€ra dig hur du tar hand om din valp eller kattunge đYou learn about the factors that affect the risk of your pet becoming ill and needing care by taking courses in the app. As a reward, we lower the price of your insurance. A real win-win situation!
- Upp till 500 kr rabatt pÄ valpar och hundar
- Upp till 250 kr rabatt pÄ kattungar och katter
Put your pet's health first and get rewarded
Put your best friend's health first with our unique health program. You get several benefits and are also rewarded with a lower price for each effort you make.
- Up to 500 kr reward
- Unlimited digital vet calls
- 200+ courses & veterinary advice
- Notifications for vaccinations & vet appointments
- 100 % personal recommendations in the app
Insurance packages
Which insurance is best for you?
What else is included?
All the essentials at a reasonable price
What else is included?
What else is included?

Pet insurance should be both safe and simple
- Service all days between 8-21We are here for you and your four-legged friend via chat, email, or phone. Always ready to help
- Fast refundsEnjoy fast refunds with Lassie. Filing a claim is just a click away in the app or is done directly at the clinic through Lassie's Direct Settlement
- We have no leash on our customersIt is easy to switch both to and from Lassie because we have no commitment period, our waiting period is short and we have no upper age limit for our veterinary insurance.
Dog or cat
Whom do you want to insure?

Redeem the loyalty
Security for all nine livesFAQ