Hundreds of thousands
insured pawsBreeder insurance

Breeder insurance
For anyone that wants to breed their dog or cat
If you are planning to let your cat or dog have offspring in the future, it is time to consider a breeder’s insurance!It is an additional insurance that can offer compensation for many types of unexpected veterinary costs that may arise in connection with breeding.
From fertility to hidden defects
The insurance provides the best protection for a female and her litter. A male with Breeder's Insurance can only receive compensation for fertility investigation.- Litter insuranceProtection for the puppies or kittens. Consists of a veterinary care insurance and a life insurance.Veterinary Care InsuranceCan provide compensation for the litter's veterinary care costs.Life InsuranceCan compensate you if any of the puppies or kittens die or need to be put down.
- Hidden Defects Insurance for BreedersThis insurance covers the responsibility you have for hidden defects when selling a kitten or a puppy.
- C-SectionCan compensate an additional C-section, beyond what is included in the female’s veterinary care insurance.
- Fertility examinationCan compensate for costs for fertility investigation.

Buddy discount
Discounts for you and the new pet family
Help the little ones get a good start in life and remind their new owners to get pet insurance in time.Feel free to use your buddy discount and invite them to Lassie! When a new insurance policy is signed with your discount code, both you and the new family get a 200 kr discount on your insurance and 100 kr to shop for in the Lassie shop.

Sign up
Easy to get
- •Already insuredContact our customer service team to add breeder insurance.
- •New customerSelect the Breeder Insurance add-on when you purchase your veterinary care insurance.
Insurance info
Insurance conditions
Pre-purchase information
Information about Lassie